Grilling Season is here! We make it easy to choose your grill with this simple guide!

Another grilling season is here. We have an amazing lineup of grills in the showroom - including a number of completely new products that we’re, admittedly, VERY excited about! Whether it’s time to upgrade your grill, or start exploring new backyard chef horizons, check out our collection of grill types below!
The grill that most of us are very familiar with. Gas grills offer extreme ease of use and approachability. Typically, you'll see these running on propane, but natural gas also works. Once you ignite a gas grill, you're cooking in no time and good results are easy to achieve by even the most uninitiated home cook. However, despite the wide range of applications for this type of grill, you are typically cooking at higher temperatures and cook times are generally short. Great for steaks, burgers, grilled veggies, and the rest of the BBQ classics - not so great for foods requiring low & slow methods, like smoking or braising.
Our gas grills include:
Napoleon Grills offer a high-quality gas grilling experience. Solid build quality, great heat output - with a number of options for grilling surface sizes and power for any application.
For the grill-master that needs the ultimate backyard companion, Crown Verity has an unparalleled build quality, they are incredibly sturdy and reliable. A truly luxurious grill from top to bottom - also available in a range of sizes and power.
Weber makes what could be your very last grill - with an unparalleled warranty program and grills that routinely last 20+ years, these guys mean business!
Broil King makes grills for any price point and has a competitive warranty program to boot! Parts are all available in Canada and the customer service is top notch! Broil King also makes a MASSIVE assortment of accessories to use on any grill!
The Kamado-style has become an incredibly popular type of charcoal grill, and it only takes cooking on this type of grill once to figure out why. The large ceramic body and lid are very dense and retain heat like no other. What really makes these grills shine is their versatility, as their cooking chambers allow for a huge range of temperatures once you learn how to manage your fire. You can smoke cuts of meat like pork shoulder or brisket at low temperatures (225-275 Fahrenheit, generally) for a long time. Or quickly develop a dark and flavourful crust on a steak well above 600-700 Fahrenheit in seconds.
Kamado Joe, the company that made this grill famous, has options in 3 sizes and each one performs just as well as the last. Charcoal-grilled food tastes amazing. Period. The multi-level, multi-zone design of these grills allow for a huge range of cooking options at the same time. Their design is solid, simple and does not require any electronics to function, meaning maintenance is a breeze and there is little risk of any component failure.
We’re also carrying a brand new type of portable charcoal grill from Hellrazr Outdoor Cooking. These grills are small and portable, INCREDIBLY solid, and offer an unrivaled outdoor cooking solution for even the most demanding outdoorsman. Similar to our Kamado Joe Grills (albeit in a much smaller package), the Yama grill can be used as a typical charcoal grill (high heat for
fast searing), or reconfigured and used at lower temps as an offset smoker! They are designed and built for a lifetime of rugged use.
Welcome to the new age of grilling. Pellet grills are a newer style of BBQ and offer some very exciting features that allow you to perfect your craft without ongoing, manual fire management. This style uses pressed hardwood pellets as fuel - imparting the amazing wood-smoke flavour into everything you cook. You can choose from a wide range of woods to change up your end-result. (When) Compared to Kamado grills, Pellet grills lose some of the versatility, as their temperature ranges are typically not as high. But, what you lose in versatility, you gain in precise control and ease of use. Add your fuel, set your temperature, place the attached probes into your food, and the grill will do the rest for you.
Green Mountain Grills has established itself as a leader in the world of Pellet Grills. Typically, their grills can range from 150-550 Fahrenheit - allowing you to cook almost anything your heart desires. Lower temperatures allow you to smoke the food over a long period, while higher temperatures are great for searing and do not impart as much smoke into your food. The Daniel Boone and Jim Bowie grills are perfect for any backyard grill setup, boasting huge grilling surfaces. The Davey Crockett is the perfect solution for those looking for something a bit more portable. Also, all of the Prime grills from GMG have WiFi functionality, which means your cooks can be partly controlled from your smartphone! While they run on wood pellets, these grills get their power from electricity, which is something to be mindful of as they are not the best all-weather grilling companion. But a canopy or grill gazebo can certainly help with this.
Broil King is also in store and makes some of the bets pellet grills on the market. With great gaskets for sealing in that smoky flavour and digital controls, they can make anyone seem like a real pit boss in their own backyard!
Ooni has revolutionized the way we think about homemade pizza. Their line of portable pizza ovens have been taking North American by storm. They offer a number of size and fuel options, from wood-fired pellet pizza ovens, to their gas-powered Koda line. These amazing ovens boast temperatures over 900 Fahrenheit and can cook a pizza in less than two minutes. Those familiar with traditional Neapolitan-style pizza will recognize that these ovens are the best (and most affordable) way to get similar results when making pizza at home. These ovens are extremely popular and sell fast, so reserve yours today!
Now you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to decide what type of grill is going to become your new sidekick. And don’t forget, we also carry a wide range of accessories for even the most adventurous grill-scientists out there! If you have any questions about our grills, don’t hesitate to let us know! Happy grilling!