How to Choose the Right Lawn Care Equipment for your Yard and Lifestyle

It’s that time of year! Spring is here, the snow has melted and just as you’re putting away your snowblower for the year you remember: You need new lawn equipment!
At Atlantic Outdoor our staff is trained to ask all the right questions about your lawn, lifestyle and expectations before we make any equipment recommendations. If you can’t get in to see us quite yet, this guide is a great first step at deciding which piece of equipment is right for you.
What kind of yard do you have?
Some of the obvious first questions include the size, grade and complexity of your yard. These three categories can make choosing the type of equipment much easier.
For example if your lawn has any steep slopes (toward ditches for example) a zero turn mower is not the machine for you! While they are for the most part a faster machine than a tractor, they do not have any power in the front end, leading to a lot of rescue missions and slipping on hills. A tractor is best for these slopes and you may even look at getting one with a rear locking differential to help you in some of those steeper areas.
If your yard is fairly flat and you have lots of trees and shrubs to mow around, a zero turn may be perfect for you! As their name denotes, zero turn mowers allow for a very small radius when turning, in many cases a true zero radius. This means you can mow right up to and around trees and shrubs without having to circle back.
A larger yard may mean that you need a larger mowing deck. Decks range in size from 42” to 60” or more on both tractors and zero turns however be warned; the larger the deck you have, the more uneven your mow can be due to the deck bouncing from one side to another while driving. This doesn’t always occur but can be a problem if you have a bumpy lawn. Bigger is not always better!
What do you expect from your lawn equipment?
If you’re thinking of using your lawn equipment to help you clear snow in the winter there are some things to consider.
First, be sure to select a tractor with a rear locking differential. This isn’t always necessary but if you’re going to be clearing snow in larger storms or in icy areas, you want to be able to lock your wheels and get as much traction as possible. A larger engine will also be of benefit to you if you in the snow.
Some accessories to consider purchasing for snow clearing: Tire chains for higher traction and a weight kit to be installed on the back end of the tractor to help avoid slipping.
If you plan on towing with your tractor, a larger engine will make that easier and reduce the strain felt by the rest of your machine.
Does your lifestyle allow for proper lawncare?
We get it. You’re BUSY. If you’re struggling to find the time to care for your lawn or if lawn care is really not your thing but you don’t want to hire a company to care for it, consider a robotic mower such as the Husqvarna Automower or Stihl iMow. These robotic mowers may seem futuristic and fancy but they’ve been on the market over 25 years and have proven themselves time and time again. Leave the installation to us and go back to your busy life! With apps for Android and Apple and the ability to mow rain or shine, your lawn care can truly be a hands-off experience!
As always, never hesitate to stop in and see us! We have many models to choose from and offer flexible financing options starting from 0% financing O.A.C on Husqvarna and Ariens.
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