Having the right outdoor gear makes ALL the difference. When you’re on the trails, camping, or just sitting on the deck enjoying a beverage, a reliable and well-insulated cooler is a must-have. Chilly Moose, a proud Canadian brand, understands this better than most. Specializing in outdoor coolers and drinkware, Chilly Moose products are designed to withstand the rigours of the Canadian outdoors at a fantastic price that smashes the competition. We’re going to take a closer look at Chilly Moose, its popular products, and why they're a favourite among outdoor enthusiasts.

Chilly Moose: A Brand Overview
Chilly Moose is a brand that embodies the spirit of the great outdoors. Born out of a passion for outdoor adventures and a deep appreciation for the rugged beauty of Canada, Chilly Moose is committed to creating products that are as tough and beautiful as the country they come from. Their outdoor coolers and drinkware are designed with the highest standards of durability, functionality, and style at the forefront. Not only are they committed to sustainable practices in the manufacturing of their products, but encouraging us all to buy quality reusable products helps combat the worst parts of our “single-use” culture.

Chilly Moose Products: Built for the Outdoors
Chilly Moose offers a wide range of products, from coolers and ice boxes to tumblers, mugs, and water bottles/canteens. Each product is thoughtfully designed with the outdoor enthusiast in mind and plenty of colourful options to choose from.
Coolers and Ice Boxes
Chilly Moose coolers and ice boxes are built to last. For day trips and week-long camping extravaganzas alike, these coolers will keep your food and drinks chilled and fresh. The 75L, 55L, and 25L Chilly Ice Box are popular choices, offering a range of ample storage and excellent insulation. When more portability is needed, the 35L Cooler with Wheels is a super convenient option that makes lugging your drinks around a whole lot easier.
But sometimes, you just can’t compromise on POWER. That’s where “The Moose” 55L portable fridge/freezer comes in and absolutely revolutionizes the game. The Moose can rage from 10 degrees C to -18 degrees C, keeping anything you’re bringing along at the ideal temperature. It plugs into any normal outlet, a carport, or even a solar panel. It’s the ultimate companion for those that prefer a little extra convenience with their meal prep in the great outdoors.

Chilly Moose's stunning drinkware is designed to keep your beverages at the perfect temperature all day long, whether you're sipping hot coffee on a chilly morning or enjoying a cold drink on a hot afternoon. The Brent 4-in-1 Insulator and the 20oz Killarney Tumbler are customer favourites, known for their durability and some gorgeous colour options to choose from.

Colour Options
Chilly Moose products come in a variety of colours, allowing you to choose a style that suits your taste. Some popular colour options include: Great Lakes, Blaze Orange, Canoe Red, Midnight, SouthHampton, Moonstone, and Granite. There are plenty of bright and colourful options - each with a high-quality finish that lasts.


The Chilly Moose Advantage
Choosing Chilly Moose means choosing quality, durability, and style. But it also means supporting a Canadian brand that values sustainability and craftsmanship. For seasoned adventurers and weekend warriors alike, Chilly Moose products enhance your outdoor experience and look great. Shop the full collection of coolers and drinkware online and in-store.